Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring = lack of blogging

Ah yes, spring has sprung, and the snow has melted to reveal months-worth of soggy dog poop & cigarette butts...and this inspires me to frolick outdoors to the detriment of this blog. Ah well, c'est la me.

I'm in the process of tracing documents dealing with the zoning of the land/septic system installation/permits/land surveys/etc... In the meantime, some luverly inspiration pics, and a comic from me to you.

I lovewantneed these floors...


Gorgeous kitchen cabinets, and awesome wall/ceiling treatments.


Boo-ti-ful fireplace mod that doesn't fit with my design but is ohsopretty anyways, and a cabin in the woods that just makes you say "Ahhhhh".


Oh, and wasn't there something about a comic in there? Yes. Yes there was.
The moral of this is don't leave animal crackers and Comic Life in the same room...

1 comment:

  1. I love those kitchens. There's something about a white kitchen that makes it look so clean and beautiful.
